Eric Wilkins joined Pamlico Capital in 2006.
Eric's investing efforts are focused in the Healthcare IT and Software sectors.
Eric's current board affiliations include Beck Technology, InRule Technology, Millennia, Office Practicum, Personify and Veson Nautical. Representative prior boards include Cartegraph, CLEARLINK Technologies, Daxko, Dexter & Chaney, Fastpath, Integrated Broadband Services, PrizeLogic and T2 Systems, Inc.
BA from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
MBA from Columbia Business School
Prior Experience
DLJ Merchant Banking Partners
McCown De Leeuw & Company
Bowles Hollowell Conner & Company
The list of “All” portfolio companies above includes every investment made since 2007 and selected investments made prior to this time period. “Active” portfolio companies include all currently held investments. “Exited” portfolio companies include the portion of investments in “All” that have been fully exited.